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Kitchen and Utility Fixtures
Special case plumbing needed for kitchens and utility rooms.
Kitchen island sinks
Venting a sink on an island in the kitchen present special challenges because there is no way to route a vent upwards from the island. The diagram below shows how plumbing code requires it to be done (in most geographical areas).
Nowadays it is best to use a dishwasher air gap and this is now required in WA State.
Kitchen sink, food grinder, and dishwasher can discharge through a single 1.5" trap.
Dishwasher waste pipe must increase to 3/4".
Secure dishwasher exit pipe to underside of counter.
Typically connect to side of food grinder but can use Wye between sink and sink trap.
Kitchen Sink
Want a 36" sink with a front skirt. The front skirt reduces the amount of counter top that needs to be implemented and avoids back strain as you don't have to lean forward as much.
It's best to get a 16 gauge sink.
Kitchen Faucet
Purchasing detail is here .
It's nice to have an extra tap and an extra nozzle so you can do separate filtered drinking water or boiling water from an instant hot water heater.
Filtered Water
For really clean water it is good to put a Reverse Osmosis Water Filter under the kitchen sink, particularly as these are now under $200. It comes with its own faucet.
Instant Boiling Water Heater
Details here
This will give you close to instant close to boiling water from an extra faucet in the kitchen.
I prefer to use a dispenser that can do both ice cold and hot water...
https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B079VHRG56/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&th=1 $282.56
Kitchen Island
Laundry washing machine